You Cannot Serialize Or Unserialize Pdo Instances Cakephp
9/14/2018 admin
You Cannot Serialize Or Unserialize Pdo Instances Cakephp 9,6/10 8381reviews

Hotel Booking Php Software For Windows. Now I'm trying the Sobipro extension and when I want to delete an entry or a category in Sobipro I get this error: You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances. 'You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances' This exception is thrown by PDO because PDO instances are not serializable for good reasons. But it is weird because the sfForm class does not depend on PDO. Copy File To Network Printer Port more.
Wrong priority. The line $fields['data'] = serialize($data); /*??? What calls this function? */ is what causes the error.
The error is not displayed on the admin pages. The site listed (') is running on a server in my closet, running Aegir on Ubuntu 10. Hp Compaq Nc6400 Bluetooth Driver Free Download. 04.1 Server. If someone could add the data to the DB without serializing the $data object, it would (probably) fix the problem.
(BTW: It doesn't matter if I was saving a poll, or doing anything else. Saving a poll was the first thing that I did after upgrading MySQL.) • or to post comments.
From IRC: 12:20:06 PM chx: so $fields['data'] = serialize($data); here add this 12:20:12 PM JoshTheGeek: ok Tykling [] entered the room. (12:20:14 PM) MFawzy [~fawzy@] entered the room. (12:20:20 PM) afo0l_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds). (12:20:29 PM) 12:20:31 PM chx: if (is_object($data) && get_class($data)!= 'stdClass') var_dump(debug_backtrace()); 12:20:45 PM chx: or just debug_print_backtrace 12:20:45 PM JoshTheGeek: one minute 12:20:57 PM chx: we need to see what tries to cache a PDO instance The output was too much for FireFox or Paste Bin, so I emailed it to chx on request. Game Perang Kerajaan Untuk Hp more. • or to post comments. Maybe we're trying to in a function which takes a PDO instance as a variable? The only relevance to Views in here is that view is calling node_view().