Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows 7
9/14/2018 admin
Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows 7 8,8/10 907reviews

As of PHP 7, the mysql_ method are gone; however, the mysqli_ is still alive and well. Resetter Epson Stylus C90 Windows 7. In fact, as of 5.4, both PDO and MySQLi wrap the same MySQL Native Driver C library by default. In fact, as of 5.4, both PDO and MySQLi wrap the same MySQL Native Driver C library by default. Install and Configure MySQL for PHP Applications on IIS 7. Extension=php_mysqli. Hp And Compaq Windows Xp Home Edition Sp3. dll extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_mcrypt.dll. MySQL Windows.
I have a problem with phpmyadmin on ubuntu 16.04 after upgrading php 5.6 to php 7 by this way: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php7.0 php5.6 php5.6-mysql php-gettext php5.6-mbstring php-mbstring php7.0-mbstring php-xdebug libapache2-mod-php5.6 libapache2-mod-php7.0 after this command: sudo a2dismod php5.6; sudo a2enmod php7.0; sudo service apache2 restart phpMyadmin has error: The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. But it does not have error on php5. I want use phpMyadmin on php7. Can anyone help me? Download Xerox Printer there.
You first need to install php7, then install php5.
I encountered this problem today and eventually I realize it was the comment on the line before the mysql dll's that was causing the problem. This is what you should have in php.ini by default for PHP 5.5.16:;extension=php_exif.dll Must be after mbstring as it depends on it;extension=php_mysql.dll;extension=php_mysqli.dll Besides removing the semi-colons, you also need to delete the line of comment that came after php_exif.dll. This leaves you with extension=php_exif.dll extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll This solves the problem in my case.