Installing Phpmyadmin On Solaris 10 Top
9/13/2018 admin
Installing Phpmyadmin On Solaris 10 Top 5,7/10 4580reviews
Sun Solaris 10 – How to Setup a SAMP Server + VSFTP + Phpmyadmin (Solaris Apache2 Mysql5 Php5). For this tutorial we will be installing apache2.
Cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs /usr/local/bin/tar -xvzf././packages/phpMyAdmin-3.2.5-all-languages.tar.gz mv phpMyAdmin-3.2.5-all-languages phpmyadmin cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpMyAdmin For new mkdir config # create directory for saving chmod o+rw config # give it world writable permissions To edit current cp Marketing Research Nigel Bradley Pdf Printer. php config/ # copy current configuration for editing chmod o+w config/ # give it world writable permissions To revert back permission to secure mv config/ # move file to current directory chmod o-rw # remove world read and write permissions If using phpMyAdmin create a file called.htaccess in the phpMyAdmin install directory and add these lines: This makes it so that phpMyAdmin can only be accessed from the localhost. Vi.htaccess IndexIgnore * order deny,allow deny from all allow from 127. Epson Dlq 3500 Printer Service Manual. 0.0.1 To access.