Install Ioncube Php Loader Windows 10
9/14/2018 admin
Install Ioncube Php Loader Windows 10 7,2/10 506reviews
After downloading and extracting the files on your server, copy the loader extension for your PHP version (e.g. Ioncube_loader_win_5.6.dll) to your PHP's ext directory (usually C: Program Files (x86) PHP v5.6 ext or similar). Now activate the extension by adding the following line to your PHP.ini file (please adjust the directory accordingly and use two backslashes as directory separator). You must specify the full path to the file.

This screencast shows how to setup ionCube loaders in WAMP 2.5 running on Windows 10. It complements the original screencast I did years ago (which is still a valid approach). That screencast showed the ionCube loaders setup process in WAMP using the installation wizard. Hp Compaq 8100 Elite Motherboard Manual on this page. This screencast does not use the installation wizard.
You can find the PHP.ini file in your PHP installation directory (usually C: Program Files (x86) PHP v5.6 or similar): zend_extension='C: Program Files (x86) PHP v5.6 ext ioncube_loader_win_5.6.dll' You can verify that the ionCube loader extension has been successfully installed by running php -v in the Windows Command Prompt (you need to change to PHP's installation directory in order the execute this command). The ionCube loader extension is successfully installed if php -v outputs something like this (note the ionCube PHP Loader line): PHP 5.2.10 (cli) (built: Jun 17 2009 16:06:30) Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2. Download Game Bola Buat Hp Android Ram. 0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.1.34, Copyright (c) 2002-2009, by ionCube Ltd. Please note: In order for IIS to be able to load the extension, it might be needed to change the permission of the ionCube extension file. To do this, right-click the file in Explorer, Properties, select the Security tab and add the Users group. To reload PHP, you now need to restart the IIS web server.
The easiest way to do is to restart the World Wide Web Publishing Windows service. Shp To Kml Conversion Tool here. You can do this by opening the Services application from the Administrative Tools and restarting the service (please note that this restarts all IIS application pools and websites; if you are hosting other websites and applications on this server, you might want to restart the relevant application pool only). Installing ionCube on Unix/Linux. You can download the relevant ionCube edition for your operating system from. After downloading and extracting the files on your web server, place the files in a directory of your choice, for example /opt/ioncube. To activate ionCube, add the relevant ionCube loader extension to your PHP.ini.
To do this, make sure to use the zend_extension or zend_extension_ts configuration directives and specify the full path to the extension: zend_extension=/opt/ioncube/ If you are using a different PHP version (e.g. PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.5), please make sure to specify the corresponding version of the ionCube loader. For example, for PHP 5.3 you would need to load the ionCube loader as follows instead (note the different version in the file name): zend_extension=/opt/ioncube/ If you are unsure which ionCube extension you need to activate for your server system, please copy the loader-wizard. Free Download Program Il Resto Di Niente Enzo Striano Pdf Printer there. php script to your web server directory and access it from your web browser and follow the installation instructions. After installing the extensions, please restart your web server to load the newly installed extensions.
You can verify that the ionCube loader extension has been successfully installed by running php -v. Please note though that the PHP command line interface might use a different configuration file than the PHP version that is used by your web server. Please make sure that ionCube is activated in all relevant PHP.ini configuration files. The ionCube loader extension is successfully installed if php -v outputs something like this (note the ionCube PHP Loader line): PHP 5.2.10 (cli) (built: Jun 17 2009 16:06:30) Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.1.34, Copyright (c) 2002-2009, by ionCube Ltd.