Hp Qtp Tutorial Pdf
9/11/2018 admin
Hp Qtp Tutorial Pdf 8,8/10 1951reviews

Quick Test Pro (QTP), later renamed Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is the industry leading automation product from Mercury Interactive. The other popular product from the Mercury Interactive stable was Winrunner. Centos Yum Install Php Ldap. However, due to better features offered by Quick Test Pro, Winrunner, which also has substantial features, was slowly and surely over taken over by QTP. In 2006, Mercury Interactive was bought by HP (Hewlett Packard) and later QTP was renamed as UFT or Unified Functional testing. QTP or UFT is prominently used in Windows based environments. Here we shall try to understand how QTP/UFT works and how to use it for automating tests and how to write a framework so that maintenance becomes easier and volume of code becomes too big to maintain. However, we shall try to take topics one by one, in depth, so that we have no confusion left before progressing to the next topic.
QTP Frameworks Basics www.automationrepository. The Third Ear Lonsdale Pdf Printer. com 4.1 Components and Workflow of Modular Framework In order to use the functions from the external library file, the library file. † Software Version number, which indicates the software version. HP QuickTest Professional Tutorial teaches you basic. (Help, PDF, and/or HTML).
Canon Bj-10ex User Manual. Begin Begin We assume that you have already installed UFT / QTP and have a license to use it. In this first tutorial we shall show how to start using QTP/UFT 1. Start QTP / UFT by clicking the icon installed on the desktop or from program files and the following screen appears which shows that the license is being validated. After the license is validated, the Add-in Manager screen appears, which lets us select the add ins that are required. You may select all, but for the sake of performance, select only the relevant ones.