Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf Printer
9/14/2018 admin
Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf Printer 5,9/10 9354reviews
Digging Deeper with the DFX By Jeff Foster The White's DFX is a multi-frequency metal detector that utilizes sophisticated technology.

Depth capability was one of the selling points of the DFX. Frankly, I have not become a expert with it, but good enough to adjust the pro settings to maximize the depth and other features of the DFX. With the increase stable preamp gain, I find most coins so far to be clad around 4'. I really a beginning to doubt this sales boast about quarters at 12'. I realize that a quarter target must exist at 12' in order to detect it, but all my quarters have been at a max depth of 5' or less. Does anyone have actual depth experience with the DFX?
What is its maximum repeatable depth capability say of a clad quarter! I am tired of having an AT PRO eat my lunch. I've been wondering about my DFX's depth too. I bought it used a year and a half ago and used it extensively for the first six months and then took nearly a year off for various reasons.
Recently started hunting a lot again. I found I wasn't finding anything deeper than about six inches.
Hp Recovery Manager Download Xp Home. VID was unstable. I've read digging deeper and still not much luck.
Bought the D2 coil to counter mineralization, still no improvement. Read all the posts I could find about issues with this model. I made sure the coil connections were clean, nothing.
Checked the case screws. Got to the last one and bam, last one I checked was stripped and wouldn't tighten. Turned out to be the screw that holds the ground from the circuit board to the case. Just picked up a longer screw this morning and was able to secure it. Hopefully this does the trick for me.
I think the problem with the DFX is it's so complex that it's hard to know if you have a serious issue or you're just not setting it right. There's much to be said about simplicity. I wish you luck with your issue. If your not satisfied, call their tech support.
I haven't yet but I hear they are very friendly and really helpful. The AT Pro should not be outperforming you as far as the detector goes if you have it set up right.
The DFX should ID deep targets more consistenly. I'm not at all saying that the AT Pro will not find deep targets or knocking it in any way but the DFX should be better with the ID at depth. Php And Mysql Garage Management System. I used an AT Pro for a while betwen detectors and thought that it was a very capable machine but to me ID at depth was not it's strong point. My friend that owned the Pro told me the same thing. I have only been using the DFX for a short time and have dug more that one penny at 8 inches plus with correct ID. The 10 inch penny that Martin was speaking of above was with the D2 coil in fairly open ground and the ID was good but did bounce a little.
I don't doubt the 12 inch quarter claim at all from my experience. I may just have a good one but I have no problem with depth on my DFX. If you want to PM me, I will send you my settings but they aren't anything special just a modified C&J program.
Originally Posted by NoIronMan Depth capability was one of the selling points of the DFX. Frankly, I have not become a expert with it, but good enough to adjust the pro settings to maximize the depth and other features of the DFX. With the increase stable preamp gain, I find most coins so far to be clad around 4'. I really a beginning to doubt this sales boast about quarters at 12'. I realize that a quarter target must exist at 12' in order to detect it, but all my quarters have been at a max depth of 5' or less. Does anyone have actual depth experience with the DFX? Epson Stylus C86 Photo Edition Driver.