Ajax Code Php For Country State City Using English Quizzes
9/15/2018 admin
Ajax Code Php For Country State City Using English Quizzes 5,8/10 3520reviews
I am making country state and city drop down with the help of ajax in our codeigniter frame work. The structure of database given bellow. Country country_id,country_name State country_id,stat. I have a database that has state and city, I want the user to first select a state and then the list of corresponding cities will show up in the second drop down. Which code am I suppose to use? February 6, 2009 at 1:34 PM.
Hi Mohammad, I have used here oracle 10g and PHP version 5.7.I have defines the data base connectivity in a constructor of class connect and extend it in class function and used the constructor of connect class in class function, so that it will automatically invoked whenever the object of class function call. Oci_parse and oci_execute and oracle 10g functions to connect and execute the query. Simply, I have given ajax request when change state display it in city dropdown. Hope, u understand. Thanks for your feedback. – May 23 '17 at 18:38.
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